Base Prices

Size comparison

Size comparison

My pricing is based on page dimensions, and since that can obviously vary, I’ve listed my three standard journal sizes below, to give you a general idea. If you want a journal with different dimensions, or have a book you’d like rebound, please visit my contact page for a quote! All base prices include front cover and spine (foil) tooling; see add-ons below.

Mini (~1.5x1” pages): $200

Small (5.5x3.5” pages): $500

Standard (8.5x5.5” pages): $630

Large (11x8.5” pages): $800

Folio: (~18x12” pages): $1500

Standard size design binding flat rate: $1200 (typically represents a $200-300 discount). Flat rates available for other sizes as well; please contact for quote. Edge decoration and/or leather doublures would be additional.

Clamshell Boxes: a leather clamshell box made to fit a book similarly sized to the above starts at $50 less than the book price, with the same add-ons available. Base price includes a flat spine, marbled paper or faux suede lining the interior, and tooling on the front cover and spine. Add $75 for rounded spine. Please contact me for cloth-covered box prices.

Rebinding work is typically $50-125 additional, depending on the age of the book and the amount of repairs needed.

Add ons

French-style gold tooling: $175-250 (see here for example/explanation)

Leather doublures: $250-500 (depending on size)

Raised bands on the spine: $25

Back cover tooling: $50-200 (depending on size and complexity)

Turn in tooling: $75

Edge tooling: $35

Gauffered edges: $50-100

Edge coloring: $60-120

Edge gilding: $75-85 for top edge only; $240-270 for all three edges

Hand-sewn silk endbands: $50

Marbled endpapers: Options available, but prices vary. Please visit my contact page for quote.

Leather onlays: Starting at $50 (for one or two simple embellishments) up to $500 (for complex and intricate imagery). Please visit my contact page for a quote.